Star City Whitetails 2014-2015 VIRGINIA HUNTING REPORT

Star City Whitetails 2014-2015 VIRGINIA HUNTING REPORT


   Although Deer Season is never over in our thoughts, the 2014-15 Virginia deer hunting season has come to a close(excluding urban archery in some localities). Let's discuss the hunting happenings for the 2014-15 season.

As bow season began in October I personally saw lots of deer and the weather was on the cooler side which was welcomed over years past.

As the season progressed the sightings quickly started decreasing. This wasn't only the case for myself, I received similar reports from many hunters experiencing a less than stellar hunting season as it relates to the amount of deer being seen. Current statistics do show that the deer harvest numbers are down in all parts of Virgina as well as surrounding states.

There are many speculations as to why the 2014-15 season was different. Less hunting pressure, disease, more liberal harvest regulations, harsh 2013 winter with no mast crop and a current mast crop that was great. 

An additional reason that this past season is looked at very differently is we are comparing it to the last   2013-14 season where the deer travel was much more predictable and the volume of sightings more plentiful due to the poor mast crop.


As a Virginia deer hunter for the last 3 decades I realize that we have been spoiled with an abundance of wildlife for the most part especially whitetail deer. When we have a season like the one we just experienced it really gives you an appreciation for how good things have been in the past.

I don't think there is any reason at this point for us to be alarmed about Virginia's Deer Hunting health. Let's just chalk it up as a "unique year", where the vast majority of us had to really hunt hard for the deer we harvested. I certainly spent more time on the stand seeing fewer deer and at times no deer at all, but I am sure that all the deer didn't die off due to disease, lack of acorns or alien abduction it was just a unique season.

Let's shine light on the positive points of the 2014-15 Hunting Season.......

The weather for the most part was cooperative and seasonally cooler than years past. The fall colors were as glorious as I can recall and those colors lasted well into November.

Another perk was SUNDAY hunting which was welcomed by many of us.

If you weren't successful at harvesting that mature Virginia buck (like myself) this past season, make sure you check out the "Community Trophy Room" for 2014 in the photo gallery on this site. There were plenty of Virginia hunters who had a successful year....So until next year we can live vicariously though them!


Check out the video below...I compiled some non-harvest footage throughout my 2014-15 hunting season of what mother nature offered me.



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Star City Whitetails is a Virginia based hunting website that was created for the average hunter with a better than average passion for hunting. It's a site in which our outdoors-men & women can share and gather information as well as share their unique experiences in our great outdoors.



Jeff Phillips
Phone: 540-765-8255