Rainfall and Deer Hunting in Virginia 2013

Rainfall and Deer Hunting in Virginia 2013



So has the rain interfered with your plans this summer ?

Camping, cookouts, fishing and fireworks have all had to take a backseat to the consistent rainfall we have received thus far in 2013.


Well, I'm here to bring you a sunny side to the above average rainfall we have been getting....


A GREAT FALL HUNTING SEASON.... is what will most likely await us!!!


As of July 6th 2013 we have received 33.19" of precipitation for the year, which is a foot above the average level. We have already received 6.16" of rainfall over the first 6 days of July (normal July month totals are 4.04).This all translates into better and more available food for the deer.


A property can generally have good deer habitat, but that does not necessarily mean that the plants found on the property are in good condition. Rainfall makes a big difference from year to year. In fact, research shows that Spring rain explains 70% of the year to year variability in buck antler size.

Spring is classified as March, April and May and the high volume of rainfall during this period in 2013 has produced bountiful crops of high protein forbs and has set up browse plants nicely. This is the greenest spring/early summer that I can recall in over a decade. With the plentiful lush forage available the deer will feed more and will more efficiently convert that food into muscle, fat and bone.

We shall see what the remainder of the summer holds in the way of precipitation because July, August and September are also relevant to antler size. The maximum body growth for a whitetail deer in Virginia is usually attained by the first part of August. That means that the availabilty and nutritional content of food taken in after that point should have a direct impact on final antler size.


So the next time your summer plans are cancelled due to rainfall look at the brightside, our deer herd is prospering and you should see even healthier  than average animals this coming fall and hopefully the headgear that our senior bucks are wearing will have benefited from what mother nature is providing this summer.







Star City Whitetails is a Virginia based hunting website that was created for the average hunter with a better than average passion for hunting. It's a site in which our outdoors-men & women can share and gather information as well as share their unique experiences in our great outdoors.



Jeff Phillips
Phone: 540-765-8255